Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Collapse of MF Global And Its Direct Impact On You

An Unmitigated Disaster
Dear Friends,
MF Global -- one of the world's largest commodities brokers -- went bankrupt just a week ago. One of the amazing and undiscussed results is the failure of a huge commodities brokerage to protect the gold and silver assets of its direct customers.
Follow the link below to the unabridged and insightful words of Ted Butler, a world expert on buying and selling and owning silver. His words go right to the heart of the matter. Should you buy physical gold and silver?  Should you just buy stocks in gold and silver funds?  Should you buy gold and silver bars and store them safely in a place only you and your loved ones know about?
Often the true magnitude and impact of events as they happen is not completely realized at the moment they occur. Instead, people realize many years later that a significant event took place.
Read his article about the failure of MF Global and its impact on the methods for buying and selling gold and silver bullion: http://www.investmentrarities.com/ted_butler_comentary11-14-11.shtml
And many more articles on Ted Butler's website, http://www.butlerresearch.com/

NEWS UPDATE:  The money just disappeared. 1.6 billion gone -- or should I say stolen?  In addition to the important article above, read this also:  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/02/23/investigators-probe-money-transfers-in-investigation-into-missing-mf-global/