Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Collapse of MF Global And Its Direct Impact On You

An Unmitigated Disaster
Dear Friends,
MF Global -- one of the world's largest commodities brokers -- went bankrupt just a week ago. One of the amazing and undiscussed results is the failure of a huge commodities brokerage to protect the gold and silver assets of its direct customers.
Follow the link below to the unabridged and insightful words of Ted Butler, a world expert on buying and selling and owning silver. His words go right to the heart of the matter. Should you buy physical gold and silver?  Should you just buy stocks in gold and silver funds?  Should you buy gold and silver bars and store them safely in a place only you and your loved ones know about?
Often the true magnitude and impact of events as they happen is not completely realized at the moment they occur. Instead, people realize many years later that a significant event took place.
Read his article about the failure of MF Global and its impact on the methods for buying and selling gold and silver bullion: http://www.investmentrarities.com/ted_butler_comentary11-14-11.shtml
And many more articles on Ted Butler's website, http://www.butlerresearch.com/

NEWS UPDATE:  The money just disappeared. 1.6 billion gone -- or should I say stolen?  In addition to the important article above, read this also:  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/02/23/investigators-probe-money-transfers-in-investigation-into-missing-mf-global/

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Is Gold The Next Real Estate Bubble?

Dear friends,
As I write this, gold bullion in the last year has risen from $1313 to today's current price of $1743. That's a 32% rise. Is gold in a bubble? Will it fall by half in the next 6 months? Is gold really facing the next real estate collapse? We all know that in the financial markets anything is possible. Gold could fall, but I believe that is highly unlikely.

I read a lot of reports on the gold market, some written by market analysts and some by gold miners, and even more than that, we live gold here at Numis every day. For years we have sold, bought, and made loans on gold, silver, and platinum. We create jewelry and repair jewelry too! So I'm immersed in gold in all kinds of ways --- at the street level.

Here's an opinion claiming that in the minds of many, gold is replacing the world's monetary systems. A fascinating read. Thanks to the writer James Turk, founder of GoldMoney. Here's the link: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/10/24_James_Turk_Report_-_Why_Gold_Will_Go_Above_%2411%2C000.html

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The CRAZY SECRET why the Wall Street Journal won't accurately report about the gold standard

Dear friends,
There is a CRAZY SECRET why the media is bashing and misinforming us about the gold standard.

The gold standard. What does it mean that it is a good idea to go back to that system?

Have you noticed that your friends and family and every media outlet is talking about gold and gold prices and the gold standard -- but no one really knows what they're talking about?

Why all the strange misinformation about the gold standard?  Why is the mainstream media scaring us about going back to that system?

Is the solution to have a gold standard?  And what is a gold standard?  How would it look in our modern world of electronic payments?

If you value your freedom, read the following link.

Great info regarding the gold standard and how our lives and economy was affected when the gold standard was abandoned, and understand why the WALL STREET JOURNAL won't honestly talk about it:

Please read, and please think about it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is silver is more rare than most people think? Are the bullion markets manipulated?

Dear friends,
Nothing lasts forever. Governments fall, religions fall, and monetary systems fall.

For many years I've been encouraging you to look into investing in gold and silver bullion. Gold is a metal that maintains its value, for thousands of years, even in terrible times of governmental upheaval. Silver also will protect your savings when paper loses its worth.

Today I found some very excellent insights into the silver bullion market by David Morgan. It's a little technical, but if you're interested in the bullion silver market, this is MUST reading.

Are the silver and gold markets manipulated?  Or are they free markets?
If they are manipulated, how? How does knowing this help us to safely invest in the metals?

Following the excellent article is a more complete interview of David Morgan by Chris Martenson.

The full article can be read here:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One of the most important notes I've sent in years

Dear friends,
This is not an easy note that I'm sending you, but I feel a heavy responsibility to help you get a handle on what is going on with precious metals and why they are going up so consistently right now.  I've been studying these markets for 40 years, and I've recommended gold and silver before and at much lower prices, but now things are really getting scary with the instability of the dollar.  Because the dollar is so weak, people are fleeing into hard assets.  It's only natural for everyone to try to protect their purchasing power.

Over the last 30 years, the purchasing power of the dollar has declined over 80%. In my opinion, the purchase of silver and gold will give you a strong weapon against the huge inflation that I see coming.  I fear that the government's debts have reached the point of no return.  When this happens the temptation for the government to print money is irresistible, and each dollar, therefore, becomes worth less.  And this is exactly what is happening right now.

People always ask me how high precious metal will go, but the real question is, "How low will the dollar go?".  My opinion is that the dollar will continue it's drop in purchasing power for an indefinite period.

Your job is to protect yourself and your family the best you can.  Call me to discuss any questions about what I've written and how to proceed to purchase metals if you so desire.  It's never too late to start.
Al Notowitz

P.S. Pay attention carefully.
What is making gold move is not a fad. Gold is totally unlike bubble investments during the dotcoms or more recently with real estate.

I once thought the U.S. government had a chance to save the dollar; I don't feel that anymore.