Dear friends,
There is a CRAZY SECRET why the media is bashing and misinforming us about the gold standard.
The gold standard. What does it mean that it is a good idea to go back to that system?
Have you noticed that your friends and family and every media outlet is talking about gold and gold prices and the gold standard -- but no one really knows what they're talking about?
Why all the strange misinformation about the gold standard? Why is the mainstream media scaring us about going back to that system?
Is the solution to have a gold standard? And what is a gold standard? How would it look in our modern world of electronic payments?
If you value your freedom, read the following link.
Great info regarding the gold standard and how our lives and economy was affected when the gold standard was abandoned, and understand why the WALL STREET JOURNAL won't honestly talk about it:
Please read, and please think about it.